Website Manager

Kings Soccer Club

Field Directory


Landen/Deerfield Park

2258 W US Highway 22 and 3 Maineville Ohio United States 45039

(Last updated 10/05/24 at 06:51 AM )

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Cottell Park

5847 Irwin-Simpson Rd. Mason Ohio United States 45040

(Last updated 10/05/24 at 06:51 AM )

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Craig Minard Memorial Park

3460 Fields Ertel Loveland Ohio United States 45140

(Last updated 10/05/24 at 06:51 AM )

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Kings Fields

Below is the field layout for the Kings Soccer Club.

Landen/Deerfield Park

Fields in front

Landen Maplandendeerfield fall 2024.pdf
Field 1 - Instructional 6U
Field 2 - Instructional 6U
Field 3 - Passers U8
Field 4 - Passers U8
Field 5 -  Strikers U12
Field 6 - Half U10 and training field
Field 7 - Kickers U14
Field 8 - Passer practice field
Field T - Training field

Cottell Park Map cottell map fall 2024.pdf
Field 1 - Striker U12
Field 2 - Wings 10U
Field 2 South - Wings 10U

OTHER SAY CLUBS Websites(field locations and field conditions)

The club websites below will provide field locations and field conditions.

Fairfield Soccer:  829-0974

Greater Sycamore Soccer Association (GSSA)

Lakota Sports Organization (LSO):  684-4944

Little Miami Youth Soccer Association:  633-5583

Loveland SAY Soccer

Madiera Soccer

Milford Soccer

Monroe Soccer Association:  298-1877, extension 3

Walnut Hills: 369-8036

West Chester Soccer Club (WCSC):  777-1325